Monday, April 13, 2009

"Shift" by Jennifer Bradbury

"Shift" by Jennifer Bradbury is a great read for boys or girls. The story's chapters alternate between present and past as we learn about Chris and Win, two boys that embark on a cross-country bike trip after their high school graduation. The problem is, only one of them returns. When Win leaves Chris as he stops to change a flat tire shortly before the end of their journey, Chris angrily figures Win went on to his uncle's house in Seattle. Chris returns home and heads off for college, only to find that Win hasn't returned, and has no uncle in Seattle. Win's rich, controlling father has an FBI agent putting pressure on Chris to find out where Win is, making Chris's start to college difficult. As the chapters alternate, you see the mystery unfold, and can start to see what's happened to Win. Read this book! You're left wondering until the very end how things will be resolved.

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