Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April is National Poetry Month!

In honor of National Poetry Month, check out "Gregory's 30 Poets/30 Days" at the GottaBook blog. Each day in April you'll see a new previously unpublished poem by a different children's poet. See the blog at

for an alphabetical list of participating authors, as well as links to other blogs celebrating National Poetry Month. And don't be turned off by the fact that it's "children's poetry"...poems can be humorous or uplifting, no matter what age they are created for.

1 comment:

Greg Pincus said...

Thanks for the link! I agree that "children's poetry" might turn some off, but I'd note that today's poem, for example, is by Jaime Adoff who writes incredible novels in verse for young adults. Later this month will bring April Halprin Wayland... and many others on the list have written for young adults (and adults!). And I agree -- good poetry is good poetry and will appeal across the age spectrum.